For Your Good

In Joshua 2, Joshua sent two spies to check out Jericho in preparation for their impending invasion of the city. The spies went to Rahab, the Prostitute who hid them and provided them with the needed info. Before she dispatched them, she shrewdly elicited a promise from them to spare her and her household when they captured the city.

The spies gave her certain instructions to follow and added that they’d only fulfill their promise if she followed their instructions to a tee. She did, and when Jericho fell into the hands of Israel, only Rahab and her family were saved.

God has given us many instructions in His word concerning our salvation, deliverance, prosperity, relationships, pleasing Him, etc. If we want to be truly blessed, see God, and enjoy the Christian walk, we must follow these.

Let’s not be like King Saul, who decided to follow a modified version of God’s instruction even though God was as clear as day. He spared the Amalikite king, some fattened animals, because he thought it was the right thing to do, though God had asked for total destruction. (1 Samuel 15:1-3)

Truth is, God’s instructions are always for our good even when it doesn’t seem like it. He’s our Father, He loves us to death (and He has proven that), and always wants the best for us.

If you’re struggling to follow His instructions, remember these and ask Him to help you do His will so you can enjoy the benefits of obedience now or in the future.


Love, Lady Monica ❤️

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