A Productive Year

I bet you’re familiar with Peter and the boat load of fish. If not, read Luke 5 for the full account.

In short, Jesus borrowed Peter’s boat as a platform to preach to the crowd at the Sea of Galilee. Peter and his crew were nearby washing and mending their nets after an unsuccessful night of fishing.

Afterwards Jesus instructed Peter to launch out into the deep and cast his net. Peter’s reponse “‭‭… “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.”” Luke 5:5

As a master fisherman, he knew that the best time to catch fish in Sea of Galilee was night time and in shallow waters. What Jesus was asking him to do made no sense. He was asking Peter to do something different. He obeyed and the result was mind-blowing.

I pray two things for you this year:

  1. That your labor and toils will not be in vain. Peter was doing things the right way and yet all his work that night yielded nothing. May the work of your hands prosper, see increase and yield profit.
  2. May God give you the wisdom to do things differently. Instead of washing your net and throwing your hands up in the air, ask God to show you another way to do it.
  3. That you follow the leading of the Lord and His instructions whether they make sense to you or not. His ways are higher than ours.
  4. Above all, may you experience God’s favor in all you do and wherever you go!

Have a fruitful and productive 2024 and may you show profit at the end of the year.



Pas. Mo ❤️

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