Who Knows Tomorrow?

“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone And now I know, He holds the future And life is worth living just because He lives”

This is a powerful refrain full of hope, assurance and confidence in God. I’m certain most of us are wondering what this year holds for us: “will it be better than the last?” “Will I achieve something worthwhile?”. Though these are legitimate questions, they can also produce worry and anxiety in our hearts. As we have been told in Matthew 6, worrying will not add a single hour to your life or cubit to your height and that “… do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Though we do not know what tomorrow holds or the next eleven months hold, we can rest, assured that the one who holds the future has has good plans for us. He knew you before you were born (Jer. 1:5), He create you to do good works (Eph. 2:10), He needs you to fulfill His purpose on this earth so He will steer you aright.

All things will work together for our good and so we should not be too worried about what comes tomorrow. The good news is that the one who has you neither sleeps nor slumbers, has unlimited power and knowledge, can do more than you can ever think or ask, created all things seen and unseen, known and unknown.

Commit your day, the coming weeks, months and the year to Him and then ask Him to guide you daily. We may not know tomorrow but our God does and that’s all we need to know.

Lady Monica Aryitey

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