“We’re Hiring”
This is a familiar sign on the doors of many stores usually at the beginning of Summer or before Christmas! Around these times there is an increase in shopping activities so more workers are needed. It is the same with the Kingdom business of winning souls! God is always looking for workers!
The Gospel of Matthew noted that one day Jesus looked at the crowds around Him and felt compassion for them because they were confused and helpless; they were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus then remarked to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37
It is the same today. Many are confused, lost, helpless and need Jesus. Someone needs to tell them about Christ. So many have died since the beginning of the year and I wonder how many of them knew Jesus.
Once you have been saved, you have been hired by God to work in the field! 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 says God through Christ reconciled us to Him and then gave us the task of reconciling others to Him through the sharing of the Gospel! God has made us His witnesses and representatives in this world!
Acts 1:8 says as long as we have believed in Christ and received His Spirit, we are equipped to tell others about Him! These are the only qualifications we need to be God’s workers in this world!
I know for most this is the hardest part of being Christian but if we do not do this work, many will perish. God has commissioned us to do the work of reconciliation and we cannot afford to disobey this command. Let us pray for the courage to tell others about Christ. Start from your Jerusalem-your home, neighborhood, work place, hair and nail salon, barbershop, etc.
“All my friends are Christians” is not a good reason to keep quiet about Christ. The good news is God did not call you to witness only to your friends. The whole world is our field. Let us go to work. Now is as good a time as any! You’re hired!
Love, Lady Monica ❤