Wait With Me

In Matthew 26:36-45, the Bible narrates Jesus’ experience in Gethsemane; the books of Mark and Luke also offer perspectives on this narrative. The preceding scripture states that Jesus arrives in Jerusalem in triumph after working miracles and amassing large crowds of followers.
Accompanied by the disciples, Jesus left the crowd and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. Prayer was habitual for Jesus. Prayer must be a habit.Prayer begets prayer; it is the only way to communicate with eternity and enables the manifestation of God’s mind and purposes on Earth.
In the main text, we discover several degrees of separation. Jesus parts with the crowd to be with the disciples. To step into elevation, and understand the mysteries of the Spirit, you must separate yourself from the crowd. Jesus again separated Himself when He beckoned Peter and the two sons of Zebedee to follow him as He went to pray. A good disciple understands the pain of the process the master is enduring. Peter was among the chosen perhaps because he had demonstrated through his candor, and his growth, his commitment to the master. Matthew 16:13-20 There is a deeper dimension that only a disciple who has demonstrated earnest pursuit will have access to. Jesus ultimately steps away to pray alone Matthew 26:39. To get to a higher level of leadership and spiritual grace, you must learn to travail alone. You must be willing to be separated if need be; physically, mentally or even emotionally.
By travailing in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus restored what Adam lost in the garden of Eden. In Eden-paradise, Adam sought his own will over God’s; however, in Gethsemane, the place of crushing, simultaneously, the place of restoration, Jesus ignored His own will and accomplished the will of God. Matthew 26:39 In Gethsemane, Jesus reverses the order established by Adam. In Eden, Adam listened to the voice of the serpent; in Gethsemane, Jesus obeyed the voice of the angel.
Like the visitation Jesus experienced in Gethsemane, waiting with Jesus in the right manner allows for angelic visitation. Luke 22:43 It grants a grace to travail in prayer. Waiting with Jesus releases power and accomplishes purpose.
Wait is an answer to prayer. God does not bypass process. Waiting requires focus, patience and expectation. Biblically, wait and preparation go in tandem. Jesus knew how to wait for His time. John 2:4 If we are to walk in power, we must understand our times and seasons like the Sons of Issachar. 1 Chronicles 12:32Spiritual growth and elevation did not come to Jesus by happenstance, He learned to wait. He had to wait via process and patience. Hebrews 5:7-10. It takes waiting to come to the fullness of power.
In Acts 1:4-8, the disciples also learned how to wait. The disciples wanted what they desired immediately, in example- the restoration of the kingdom of Israel- and Jesus rebuked them. Acts 1:6-7God has a purpose and central to that purpose is His plan. His plan requires process and preparation. These are controlled by principles and patience, for example waiting! Patience, process, preparation, persistence, positioning, prayer, and purposing, all lead to POWER. Power ultimately brings you purpose. Unless you wait, you’ll never enjoy power or fulfill purpose.
Waiting on God is not delay, denial or delusion. Waiting is an indication of your faith; it is a demonstration of your trust; a sign of your determination. Those who wait, see the glory of the Lord. In God, waiting comes with a reward; walk in preparation, having expectation that surely God’s truth will manifest. Wait!
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

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