Measure Me
I have heard this and I bet you have too:”Don’t tell God the size of your problem, tell your problem the size of your God.” It has also been said in another way, “It’s not the size of your problem that matters but the size of your God.”
We see this saying playing out throughout the Bible. A lot of the greats who won amazing victories and broke barriers were able to do so, not because of some power or strength of body and mind they possessed. They achieved those feats simply because God was on their side!
In the instance when they faced seemingly insurmountable issues, impossible tasks, near death experiences, they turned to their God. They focused on God and not the problem.
When God called Gideon to free his people from the choke-hold of the Midianites who had terrorized the Israelites for years, it seemed like a ridiculous venture. Gideon looked at himself (coming from the weakest tribe and being the youngest in his family) and scoffed at the idea. God responded “… you can do it because I will help you. You will crush the Medianites as easily as if they were only one man”. Judges 6:16.
God was telling Gideon to measure Him and not the problem! He is bigger, stronger and more than all the Midianites put together! David was able to defeat Goliath because he measured God! Moses did the same. Remember the three Hebrew boys? Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20) and Asa (2 Chronicles 14) were both able to win uncommon victories because they measured their God and not the vast armies coming against them.
Measure any issue, situation, problem, fear, anything with God and God will come out taller, bigger, greater, more powerful one hundred percent of the time! Take your focus off the problem and place it on God. It will make it so much easier to get through it! “Measure me” says the Lord of Hosts to you and I!
Love, Lady Monica