Give Us This Day…

My sons like to ask every now and then as I tuck them into bed, “mummy, what’s for breakfast tomorrow?”. My response is always the same, “seriously?” with an incredulous look on my face…everytime.

Recorded in both Matthew 6 and Luke 11, (the Lord’s Prayer) Jesus taught His disciples to say as they pray “Give us this day our daily bread”. ( v. 11 and v.3 respectively). Bread in the Bible refers to both physical food, the word of God and Jesus himself.

A number of things come to mind as I ponder on this short verse.

  1. God gives us what is sufficient for today, what we actually need for today. Though He has enough resources to provide our needs for days, weeks and years, He chooses to give to us daily what we need. This encourages a childlike dependence on Him and forces us to maintain a connection with Him. God is all about relationships.
  2. This verse also tells us that we need fresh bread daily. What we may need for today may not be what we need for tomorrow. We also need fresh spiritual food daily. Our spiritual health demands that we seek a fresh word from God for each day. What God needs you to know or do one day may not be what He needs for or from you the next day. It is imperative therefore that we seek His face daily.
  3. We must also seek to put on Jesus (the bread of life) daily so that we will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Rom. 13:14).

God has a habit of doing things step by step. It is a choice He has made by divine authority. In order to succeed in our walk with Him, we need to depend fully on Him trusting in His sovereign and infinite wisdom. He knows just what we need for today and as you place a demand daily for your daily bread, He will surely provide. Go on, ask for yours!


Lady Monica.❣

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