Divine Interruptions
The Good Samaritan story is Sunday School favorite. In explaining “who is your neighbor?”, Jesus in classic fashion used an illustrative parable: a man was robbed and left for dead by the wayside. A priest happened upon him, turned away and walked on the other side. A levite came by and did same. Then a Samaritan when he saw the victim, stopped, bound his wounds, took him to an inn and paid for his care.
Let us be honest, most of us are like the priest and the levite. We have our days planned and we hate anything that will interrupt our well-laid plans. We have averted our eyes, walked on the other side many times when opportunities to help others presented themselves. We tell ourselves we have good reason not to allow a delay or interruption.
I bet the priest and the levite were not bad people per se; they had duties to perform, other people to take care of; they had responsibilities, people were counting on them to get to their destination on time. They were disciplined leaders, they had to set an example for their followers that lateness was not ok. So focused were they on their assignments that they missed an opportunity for God to use them to minister to the battered and bruised victim of robbery.
We must necessarily make allowances for interruptions, some divine, in this life. By a small detour, you might win a soul for Christ and save a life. If Moses had been so focused on his shepherding duties, he would have missed the burning bush experience which changed his destiny. There is nothing wrong with being conscientious, a perfectionist, purposeful, have your eye on the ball, wanting predictability, sticking to your routine, but too much rigidity can make us less humane.
Our master Jesus came to earth with a purpose and had only three years to execute it. Yet, he allowed for countless interruptions from blind men screaming for healing, lepers shouting from afar for cleansing, to a bleeding woman who stopped him in his tracks with a touch. I know time is money and time and tide wait for no man but do not be so fiercely protective of your time, your money, your gifts and talents that you miss what is really important: the opportunity to help someone in need. It is a truly liberating feeling.
Let us not be too focused to care. Blessings.
Love, Lady Monica.