When Grace Speaks
The patriarch Abraham was a great man of faith. This is borne out by his willingness to trust God enough to agree to sacrifice the very son through whom God promised great blessings! It also took great faith to set off from his home for an unknown land that God was going to show him. That is not the whole story though because Abraham was also involved in some not so faith-induced shenanigans. We know from scripture that he listened to his wife’s counsel and had a child with her maid instead of waiting for God to give him one with his wife Sarah. Genesis 16. Abraham also lied that Sarah his wife was his sister when they went to Egypt to escape the famine in Canaan. He did this to save himself from possibly being killed for his beautiful wife. Genesis 12. Then in Genesis 20, he did it again when he told everyone in Gerar that Sarah was his sister. Abraham could not keep his home in order as his two wives caused chaos, picking quarrels over little and big things. That is not how Romans 4 tells Abraham’s story though. The chapter paints the picture of a great man whose faith did not weaken while he waited for God’s promise of a son; who did not waver through unbelief; who was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised! Hebrews 11 also talks about Abraham’s faith and adds, “And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.” Hebrews 11:11 It does not mean that the stuff in Genesis did not happen but when grace speaks everything else takes a back seat! When grace speaks our mistakes, missteps, flaws, weaknesses, lack of qualifications, do not really matter anymore. They lose significance and do not have the power to define us anymore. Grace covers us and covers our wrongs. Grace allows us to have a do-over and keeps no record of our sins! Grace forgives and forgets! Paul says it best in 2 Corinthians 12:9, But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”! All we need is God’s grace offered through Christ our Savior. It makes a world of difference. I pray that His grace will keep speaking for you and I so we can continue to live confidently and purposefully. Blessings!
Love Lady Monica