The Setting UP

Have you ever seen a decorator setting up for a special occasion from scratch? If you go into the space during the set up you might wonder how everything will come together. You will see tables and chairs all over the place, centerpieces, chair covers, flowers etc. The setting up can be pretty messy but the end product, stunning.

Maybe you have encountered a caterer preparing meals for a large group at say a wedding. You will find pots, pans, utensils, ingredients, and humans battling for space in the kitchen. The preparation and the working area can pretty messy but the delectable results speak nothing of the chaos in the beginning.

It is the same with our lives. If you want to achieve something worthwhile you will go through some pain, difficulties, messy periods, sleepless nights, hunger, and may feel like giving up. Preparation is not always easy and if you are not ready to take some hard knocks during your preparation period, you will not get to where God wants you to get to.
If you desire to lose weight but are not ready to cut back on or completely cut out some foods that are pleasing to your tongue and endure some bland foods, embrace portion control and prepare to sweat it out in the gym, then forget your “dream body”.

Everyone God chose for a special assignment went through a preparation period. Abraham’s faith was tested for twenty five years before he saw the promise of a son come true. Joseph had to become a slave, a prisoner then become prime minister. It took thirteen years in the school of hard knocks. David had to live like a fugitive running away from a deranged king seeking to take his life. It took him more than a decade to finally accede the throne of Israel.

Then there is Jesus “… the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2.
The messier or harder the preparation, the more glorious and beautiful the end result. So do not despise the messiness. Plow through, God will provide grace. Blessings.

Love, Lady Monica❤.

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