Feels good to be alive!!
So! The New Year is almost upon us and I have a question for you: how are you preparing for 2018? More than 2000 years ago God decided it was time to kick start His salvation plan. The Jews had waited for centuries to see the fulfilment of the promise of a Messiah. Before the savior’s birth, God deemed it necessary to prepare His people for His coming. So He sent John the Baptist “…go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah…to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17.
Preparation is key if we are going to move to the next level in our lives. If you are called into an interview and you’re not prepared adequately you may miss an opportunity for a promotion.
Come 12/31, most of us will gather in church, mostly clad in white as a sign of victory celebrating being alive at the end of the year. We will dance, jump, hug each other, make positive declarations and excitedly welcome 2018. We will be filled with much hope for the new year, we will claim and believe better things will happen in the new year than did the last.
Beyond all of the excitement, how are you preparing to position yourself for the greater things you are claiming in 2018? Have you set goals that will help you be ready for what is coming? Have you sat down to ponder over the things you need to do, stop doing, put away, bring into your life to make you ready to take advantage of opportunities the Lord will send your way?
Those who refused to listen to John’s preparatory message missed the Messiah’s coming. He lived right in their midst but they refused to be part of the greatest miracle ever. To them He was a mere carpenter, a blasphemous teacher who was probably crazy.
The importance of adequate preparation cannot be overemphasized. Ask God what He has for you in 2018 and how He wants you to prepare for it.
Get ready for 2018, really get ready.
Love, Lady Monica