No Filters
I am yet to master snap-chat filters. Some of the filtered pictures are interesting and sometimes unrecognizable. To filter means to remove impurities or unwanted material and our obsession with filters betrays some amount of insecurity with our features. Filters aside, we usually take twenty photos just to select one perfect shot to display. It is all well and good.
The most important thing is that we do not need any filters in our relationship with God. He already knows us and has loved us since before our beginning. He is very conversant with out flaws, our insecurities, weaknesses and imperfections and nothing takes Him by surprise.
Beyond all of that, He is willing to help us become better versions of ourselves. God is able to filter out all our imperfections permanently through the blood of Jesus.
After all we are God’s workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), yes tainted by the sinful world we live in but as long as we hang on to Him, He will make us better. So come to God just as you are, be yourself with Him-no filters, no waist trainers, no sucking in, no pretense; just let it all hang and let Him mold you into the person He created you to be!
Love, Lady Monica .