Judgment-Free Zone
My husband and I go walking/jogging on tracks on a college field, you know, trying to stay in some kind of shape in this season. We encounter all manner of people on the field. Some are old, others are very old and there are some young people too. These people are also of different shapes and sizes! We see people running, walking, jogging, stretching, practicing their football throws, etc. There are those who come out just to get fresh air because after every five paces or so they stop to chat with that walking partner! I find a few who come to model around the tracks, these ones stay on their phones all the time, sometimes on video calls just chilling. I also notice that some come onto the field after us and leave before us. There is one woman who jogs consistently at a steady and slow pace throughout her time there. Every now and then someone will run onto the field like he is competing in the Olympics, intimidate all of us and before we can say Jack, he has already left or slowed down considerably panting like nobody’s business! A few things are clear from all this: We all have different goals and visions for our lives; we are all going to different places; we all have different destinies and we are all running different races. You cannot run your race based on another person’s pace. Some days I look at all the people on the tracks and I tell myself some are just joking and wonder why they even bother. Then I correct myself that not everyone is there for the same reason as me and so I should not judge their journey. Do not look at somebody’s journey and despise your own or get frustrated. Do not feel like it is too late for you or you are irredeemably behind because others are running ahead of you. Stay focused on your journey and move at whatever pace you are able to. Remember these from the word of God: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 “I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle…” Ecclesiastes 9:11a Stay in your lane, run your race or walk it at your unique pace and most importantly, stay focused on God and let Him order your steps and direct your paths. Blessings! Love, Lady Monica