He Stays
Last night I was listening to the car radio and a song came which said “you’re the God who stays”. I could not hear most of it because of static but this line spoke volumes. I thought to myself, yep, He stays. The statement denotes permanence, reliability, assuredness, etc.
God is always there. He goes nowhere and He does not just stay aloof, unconcerned but He stays in love; He stays involved; He stays busy putting things together for us; He stays focused on us. That is pretty cool.
When we ignore Him, He stays. When we take all the good things He has provided for us and walk away from Him, He stays. He never says “I’m done with you”, “I ain’t got no time for you”, “whatever”. He stays and waits for us. He is patient and always leaves clues to lead us back to Him when we lose our way.
“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” Psalms 139:17-18
Yes, this is the God we serve. Good does not describe Him. He is better than good. Take a moment today to express your gratitude to God for staying with you all year, watching over you, guiding you and making some seriously good plans for you!
Love Lady Monica