He Forgets
“No one is perfect!”
It is saying we all love because well, we are all not perfect but through God’s grace we strive daily to be better people. Every born-again Christian wants to do and be better.
The good news is the Holy Ghost our helper is always there to help us on our journey. Our spirits has been transformed, our bodies and souls are being transformed daily. We are blessed to have Jesus who lived on earth, endured every temptation and yet did not sin interceding for us before our Father: “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.” Heb. 4:15. To top it up God promises to forgive us anytime we sin and ask for forgiveness and then He says once He forgives He forgets! “”For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”” Heb. 8:12
All of this should make us break out into a song and a dance; it should make us live boldly and empowered. Above all it should embolden us to live right so as not to be seen as taking advantage of God’s largesse. The one who is forgiven much works harder to do right.
Often though the devil tries to remind us of our sins, our failures, our shortcomings and tries to convince us that God has not really forgiven us. He knows that the more we remember what we have done wrong, the less likely we are to live the empowered life that God intends for us. Remembering your mistakes constantly keeps you in a place of weakness, inadequacy and unworthiness. In this state you are not able to take a hold of God’s promises and live them out. The devil wants you to doubt your salvation, your freedom from sin and to second-guess who you are in Christ. That way, he can keep you down. As he keeps reminding you of what you have done, said or thought wrong, he creates distance between you and God. If you feel guilty you will more likely think you are unworthy to go before God.
Well rest, assured that God has forgiven your inquiries, transgressions and sins and remembers them no more. You confess. He forgives. He forgets. End of story!! So “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb 4:16.
Love, Lady Monica