God moments
God moments are those moments when it is clear that God has revealed Himself in an exceptional way. They are those moments where you encounter certain situations or people and know for sure that “this is God”, “it must be God” “surely God brought this my way”. Sometimes it is as spectacular as a burning bush not consumed or as distinct as the star that appeared in the east; other times it is a seemingly ordinary moment with divine implications. God uses “God moments”, among other things, to reveal His purpose and His plans for us. I have always wondered how many “wise men” saw the star that led the Magi to the Messiah, remarked at how remarkable it was and continued on with business as usual. I wonder what would have happened, had Moses turned away from instead of towards the burning bush. “When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” Exodus 3:4. See, only when the Lord saw that Moses had turned to look at the bush, did He speak and reveal His purpose and plan for the old man.
We encounter God moments more often than we know. Sometimes we are too tired or too wrapped up in our own problems to notice these seemingly ordinary moments. Oh! other times our faces are buried in our phones and tablets; ear phones firmly pushed into our ears that we see nothing or hear nothing around us. Maybe God placed that person in the seat next to you on the plane for a reason: that you would minister to him, speak a word of encouragement and give him hope. However you were so determined to have some “me time” on the flight, you had no intention of being drawn into a conversation so you faked sleep throughout the journey. Sounds familiar? You may have missed a God moment right there.
As we go about our lives, let us be sensitive to God and to our surroundings. We do not want to miss another opportunity to have God work through us and reveal Himself and His plans to us. Feel free to share your God moments in the comments section. Blessings.Love, Lady Monica .