Twenty seven days from today, we will say bye to 2018. We have all had victories, disappointments, sadness, joy, ended relationships, started new ones and now we are getting ready to start a new year. If you are like me December is a solemn month for you or let me say a serious one. It is a month to pause and take stock of the year about to end; to figure out what you can do better in the coming year. It is a month to set new goals and new expectations.
The excitement of the festivities can lull you into a sweet sleep only for you to wake up on January 1st and realize you have made no concrete plans for the new year. It will be a mistake to start making plans and setting goals for the new year on the first day of the year. I want to believe everyone wants the coming year to be better than what is about to pass. That will take some thinking, some planning and some pruning too.
Today, I want us to focus on the things, attitudes and people we must let go in order to be and do better in the new year.Naomi realized at some point that in order for her joy and prosperity to be restored she had to say bye to her new home in Moab and return home to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:6). David realized that in order to preserve his life so he could eventually sit on Israel’s throne, he had to flee the comfort of the palace for the discomfort of the caves and the wilderness (1 Sam. 20:42). Abraham knew it was time for him and his nephew Lot to separate when their servants began to butt heads. (Gen. 13:8-9). There are always signs that indicate to us that it is time to let go.
Good-byes can be hard but some are necessary for your sanity, spiritual and emotional growth, success and prosperity. Continuing to hold on to people, things, attitudes that are toxic can keep you stagnated or pull you back. As you look forward to the new year, take time evaluate some parts of your life and devise a good-bye strategy. And when you have said good-bye purpose to forget those things which are behind, and reach forth unto those things which are before [us] Philippians 3:13. Blessings. Love, Lady Monica.