Always Awake
Every night we set the alarm before we sleep. We have a yard sign and door stickers warning would-be intruders we are protected. Knowing the alarm is set gives us some comfort and peace as we close our eyes. There have been times though that we have forgotten to set the alarm and still woken up the next morning to realize no-one had broken in.
I do not believe any alarm system is fool-proof and a determined intruder will always find a way in. My faith is not in that red light that comes on when the system is armed. Every night I pray to God to watch over my household as we sleep. Only He can ensure our safety one hundred percent.
Alarm systems can fail, security guards can be overpowered, security systems can be bypassed or disabled. The Bible tells us in Psalm 121:3-5 “…the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you!…” The Lord Himself watches over you. This is beyond comforting.
The Lord is always awake and alert and He keeps His eye on you, not just in the night time but throughout the day. He will ensure that you do not stumble; the Lord watches you as you come and go and affords you protection beyond what any man or system can offer you. He watches over you and all that belongs to you and will keep you and yours from harm!
Love, Lady Monica❤