Touched By An Angel
Do you sometimes feel so exhausted all round you just want to sleep? I bet you do. Elijah, one of the great prophets we know felt extremely exhausted at a point. He had just won an contest between him and God on one side and the prophets on Baal on the other. After calling fire from heaven to consume water drenched sacrifice, Elijah single-handedly, with supernatural strength killed four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. Then he prayed for rain to fall and broke the back of three and a half years of drought! 1 Kings 17.
Then Queen Jezebal, chief worshiper of Baal received a report on what Elijah had done! Livid, she threatened to kill Elijah within twenty four hours! Terrified, afraid for his life, the man who had just accomplished great feats ran! He was now a fugitive! Depressed, exhausted he sat under a tree, begged God to take his life and closed his eyes to sleep.
Twice, God sent an Angel to touch him, wake him up and feed him. After that his strength was restored and renewed and Elijah received enough “…strength to travel forty days and forty nights to Mount Sinai, the mountain of God.” 1 Kings 19:8
Maybe you feel exhausted too-spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Carry your burdens and place them at the feet of Jesus. The one who is never exhausted will carry them for you. May the Lord send His Angels to strengthen you where your strength is failing and carry you when your legs are giving way! May you also be touched by a Angel today!
Love, Lady Monica