Not A Ponzi Scheme
I am certain every investor wants quick and high returns on his/her investment. This is why Ponzi and Pyramid schemes thrive. The simplest definition of a Ponzi scheme I found says it is a “an investment fraud in which clients are promised a large profit at little to no risk.” Initial investors are paid with money put in by new investors and when the bucket of new investors dries up, the scheme unravels! These get-rich-quick schemes have been around since 1919 apparently but we still fall for them!
God has a few investment plans of His own and invites us to invest in these freely. Proverbs 19:17 says “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord , and he will reward them for what they have done.” Think about it! Anytime you give to the poor you are actually lending to God. When you give to the poor you do not lose the money you part with; you are actually loaning it to God who promises to pay you back!
The thought of God owing me excites me to no end! Why? Well, God has endless resources and what I lend to Him comes back to me as a reward! I know from His word that when He gives back it is pressed down, shaken together and running over. The interest He puts on my loan is beyond huge! God does not rely on other people’s money to pay me back! “‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” Haggai 2:8, and this is why we should have no fear in lending to the Lord!
So let us all be quick to help the poor and needy. The next time you see that down and out guy in tattered clothes who clearly needs help, do not hesitate to extend a kind hand. There are so many opportunities around us to help the less fortunate, let us take advantage of these and freely lend some money to God. Jesus said we will always have the poor with us and He was so right. They are far and they are near. Will you loan God some money?
Love, Lady Monica