I didn’t know
Jacob was in a bad place. Separated from his beloved mom, not knowing if he would see her again; his father was disappointed in him; his brother hated him and could not wait to kill him for cheating him out of his blessing.
Feeling rejected, dejected, hungry, tired and probably wondering if all that was even worth it, he left his home like a fugitive. He had lied, he had cheated! In that moment Jacob did not feel close to God. He had no expectation of God. How could God be in this situation with Him? He felt distanced from everything and everyone including God.
Finally sleep started to overtake him so he stopped, found a stone and laid his head down to sleep. Then Jacob dreamed.
He saw a ladder reaching all the way to heaven; Angels were ascending and descending, then the Lord spoke to Him. God reiterated to Jacob the promise He made to Abraham, telling him how He, God would bless Jacob, increase and prosper him and that through him all the people of the earth would be blessed. God promised to always be with him. Genesis 28:10-15.
Jacob woke up stunned and confused. He remarked, “… “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. ” Genesis 28:16. Indeed.
God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and one thing is certain, God keeps His word. There will be times when it seems like He is not with us. When we have done certain not-so-holy things, and gotten ourselves entangled in ungodly situations, like Jacob, we may feel God has walked away from us or shut us out. When nothing seems to go according to well laid out plans, we may feel forsaken by God.
Our feelings and our thoughts cannot change the fact that God loves us too much to leave us or walk away from us. He paid dearly for us and He is committed to ensuring that we get to where He has purposed for us.
So yes, God is always with you. Reach out to Him anytime, any day, anywhere and in any situation! Really, He is always there.
Love, Lady Monica