How High, How Wide, How Deep…
…is the Father’s love for us. The song says His love love “is so high, we can’t get over it, it’s so wide we can’t get around it, it’s so deep we can’t get under it” and that about sums it up. Bottom line: His love for us is immeasurable. We are going to try to measure it though. You can tell the depth of someone’s love by what they are willing to do/sacrifice for you. If a gentleman says he loves you and drives through the Nor’easter to come see you; you will probably think he i.e. foolish but by that gesture you will know he loves you for real. God made the ultimate sacrifice by sending His son to die for us and Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by willingly laying down His life for us. He said in John 10:18 that no one took His life from Him, He willingly laid it down. In John 15:13, He said “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” I doubt any human being however much he/she loves you will willingly die a horrifying death just to save you. Only God can do that and that is the how far He went to to demonstrate His love for us. We did nothing to deserve that kind of sacrifice and we have done nothing to deserve His love right now. He says “I have loved you with and everlasting love…”. There’s no end to His love for us and we must not allow ourselves to forget that. I want you to be assured that God loves you. Let that knowledge keep you going, let that knowledge put a spring in your step, let that knowledge lift your spirits up. I know my husband loves me and will never do anything to harm me, and that is enough for me to have peace and security. Yet that is nothing compared to the peace and security I feel knowing God Himself loves me to death. When I an tempted to think God has forsaken me, does not care, is deaf to my prayers, I remember Bethlehem and Calvary. He did not send His son to die for you and I only to abandon us and leave us miserable. He is working it all out for you and I; the end product will soon be revealed, it will not be too late and it will be beautiful. GET READY!!
Love, Lady Mo.