I am not sure how I feel about the mid-year! It seems like it was just yesterday when we said bye to 2018 and welcomed 2019. I feel like I blinked and voila! we are in June!
There are a number of ways to look at the mid-year. You either look at it with gratitude that you made it to June (since others did not) or you look at it with anxiety because you have not achieved half of what you planned to accomplish by this time or you do not see any signs of what you hoped to receive this year!
I kinda have one foot in each place; one foot on the gratitude bus and another on the anxiety bus. The stretching of my legs in two different directions is getting kind of exhausting so I am choosing to plant both firmly on the gratitude side and look to the next half of the year with hope!
If we serve a God who created the heavens and the earth and all in it in six days, surely He can accomplish much with and in us in six months! He is able to open new and unexpected doors, help you make that deadline, connect you with that someone, straighten crooked paths, make incredible things happen for you in what is left of the year! Yes, He can still turn water into wine!
If you are feeling antsy about 2019 and how it seems to be zooming past, I want you to make to make Philippians 4:6 your scripture. Write is on the tablet of your heart, meditate on it, memorize it, recite it, believe it and be empowered to move forward in confidence! It says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
If you are feeling good about where you are at this point, give praise to God and be empowered to accomplish even more greater things! As John Wesley wrote, “… I’ll take the gifts He hath bestowed and humbly ask for more”.
Remember, half-time always gives us a chance to catch our breath, re-calibrate, recharge, hydrate, make some changes so we can excel in the next half! No need to panic!
Love, Lady Mo