When David announced to Saul that he would face and defeat Goliath, the king was perplexed. I believe the only reason why he gave David the nod was because he was desperate, at his wit’s end and had to do something, even if it meant sending a teen.
David on the other hand was convinced that Goliath, giant warrior of the Philistines was no match for his God. The giant was bigger than David in terms of size, weaponry and supporting cast, but God was way bigger than Goliath. Goliath towered over him but God towered over Goliath. Goliath could not see David’s bigger God so he could afford to ran his mouth. David by the eyes of faith could see God and so his confidence was at an all time high! 1 Samuel 17.
When Gehazi woke up one morning and saw that they were hemmed in by the mighty Aramean army, he was certain that their end had come. He could not understand why his master Elisha looked as cool as a cucumber! Well, unlike Gehazi, the prophet knew and saw that they were surrounded by a mightier army made up of heavenly horses and chariots of fire! Who can beat that? 2 Kings 6.
This is the confidence we have “… If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Romans 8:31. Whatever battle you are in, know that you have a bigger God on your side, a mightier and bigger army of Angels surround you! God is ready and willing to offer you support anytime, anywhere. God has already declared that in all things we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) and He will ensure this is true at all times!
Love, Lady Monica