Snow on Snow

March 14, 2018

I love snow. Fresh fallen snow. Nothing is more beautiful than crispy glistening untouched fresh fallen snow. It is pure, while and covers everything on the ground- unsightly browning grass…


March 13, 2018

Let us be honest, sometimes (in fact most of the time) we go to God in prayer seeking very specific answers from Him. We acknowledge that He is sovereign, omnipotent,…

Press for Progress

March 8, 2018

Happy Women’s Day! As we mark International Women’s Day, we will focus on five women who defied culture and time to effect a change:the daughters of Zelophehad- Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah,…

The Memory Verse

March 7, 2018

The memory verse a was an integral part of our Sunday School curriculum as kids. Ours was to memorize the verse for the day, keep it in our hearts and…

First Love

March 6, 2018

Love is a great feeling, sometimes indescribable. Remember your first love? How you would swoon at the mere sight of your love; how hours spent with him (her) seemed like…

Dawn is Coming

March 2, 2018

Growing up we used to have watchmen. These were unofficial security guards who would stay outside of the house and keep watch as the rest of us slept. They would…

Unchanging Love

March 1, 2018

Last night at Bible Study, we talked about the love of God; unconditional, unfathomable and unchanging. The discussion gave me a lot to muse on. The parable of the prodigal…

God I Look To You

February 28, 2018

God I look to You, I won’t be overwhelmed Give me vision to see things like You do God I look to You, You’re where my help comes from Give…

Gracious Words

February 27, 2018

Last night I met with a couple for pre-marital counselling and the topic was communication. We had a fruitful discussion interspersed with a lot of giggles and “aha” moments as…

Roots Do Not Matter

February 23, 2018

Ruth was a Moabitess. Rahab was a pagan prostitute. Solomon was a product of a questionable union. Peter, a fisherman. Paul, a persecutor of Christians and a Gentile. David was…