
March 22, 2018

GIGO stands for garbage in, garbage out which simply means faulty or poor input will produce faulty or poor output. Whatever you allow to fill your mind or heart will…

Store Up Treasures

March 21, 2018

As we go about life working hard, saving up, investing, doing whatever it takes to make life comfortable for ourselves, our children, dependents and generations to come, we must not…

We Sink or Swim Together

March 20, 2018

The great Apostle Paul likens the body of Christ (the church/all Christians) to the human body. In 1 Cor 12, he describes how the different parts of the human body…


March 16, 2018

Do you sometimes feel like if you worry enough you might prevent bad things from happening or you can hurry good things into existence? Personally I do not think worrying…


March 15, 2018

Forgiveness seems to be one of the hardest things for Christians to do. We are Christians because we believed in Jesus and God forgave our sins. He still forgives us…

Snow on Snow

March 14, 2018

I love snow. Fresh fallen snow. Nothing is more beautiful than crispy glistening untouched fresh fallen snow. It is pure, while and covers everything on the ground- unsightly browning grass…


March 13, 2018

Let us be honest, sometimes (in fact most of the time) we go to God in prayer seeking very specific answers from Him. We acknowledge that He is sovereign, omnipotent,…

Press for Progress

March 8, 2018

Happy Women’s Day! As we mark International Women’s Day, we will focus on five women who defied culture and time to effect a change:the daughters of Zelophehad- Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah,…

The Memory Verse

March 7, 2018

The memory verse a was an integral part of our Sunday School curriculum as kids. Ours was to memorize the verse for the day, keep it in our hearts and…

First Love

March 6, 2018

Love is a great feeling, sometimes indescribable. Remember your first love? How you would swoon at the mere sight of your love; how hours spent with him (her) seemed like…