Level 1


We have an off-white rug in our bedroom. I was sitting on it with a cup of tea next to me. I shifted my weight a bit and the cup shook slightly. Quickly did I move it away from the rug because I caught a vision of it spilling and messing up the rug. The thought of the work it would take to get the tea stain out did not appeal to me!

Just like that Isaiah 1:18 came to mind, “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord , “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.”

God cleanses our sins with the blood of Jesus, the very red blood of Jesus. Here in this verse our sins are described as crimson and scarlet, i.e. red. Red plus red will certainly not give you white by any stretch of the imagination except by God’s formula. It is incredible though. We are blessed to have access to the blood which cleans us out and leaves no residue. Every sin you commit and confess is been taken away completely. It doesn’t matter how dark, how deep, how heinous, how inconceivable! It is gone for good and there is nothing left of it.

I don’t know about you but that makes me feel overjoyed, liberated and like I can conquer the world! I love to just thank God for the gift of the blood because it affords me newness that nothing else or no one else can give me. So today join me to thank God again for the blood that washes white as snow!!!


Love, Lady Mo ❤

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