Ready Or Not…

Remember the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins? They set off for a wedding with their lamps but the foolish ones failed to take along extra jars of oil. The wise did. The story goes that the bridegroom was delayed and the virgins fell asleep.

When the announcement of the groom’s arrival went out, all woke up to light up their lamps. That was when the foolish realized their mistake! The wise refused to share their oil and the foolish had no choice but to run back to town to buy oil!

When they returned, the door was closed and it was too late for them to enter.

There’re so many lessons from this story but I just want to focus on one: Don’t assume the door will be open when you’re ready.

They finally had oil, could light their lamps but the door they hoped to enter was shut. Others who were more prepared and ready were able to walk in smiling! If you know where you want to go this year, start making the right preparations. If you’re not sure how to prepare, speak to the right people, do your research, put in some prayer and get yourself ready. Don’t just pray for new doors, new opportunities, new jobs and not be ready when these come.

“But while they were gone to buy oil, the bridegroom came. Then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked.” Matthew 25:10


Love, Lady Monica ❤️

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