It’s Yours

Musing about everyone’s favorite shepherd boy today. David was the youngest of eight. Though he took care of his father’s sheep and was the forgotten one in the family.

One day God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint one of David’s father’s sons as the next king of Israel. As spiritual as Samuel was, he set his eyes on the oldest sons because they were tall, handsome, quite accomplished and looked kingly!

After God rejected all seven sons, Samuel asked if there was another. That was when Jesse remembered he had a younger son tucked somewhere in the wilderness. As soon as he arrived “… the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!” I Samuel 16:12.

Listen, what God has for you won’t go to anyone else. The throne was for David and it was not going to go to anyone else. It didn’t matter that his older brothers were more suited because of looks, age and achievements. The whole family and the prophet waited for hours, standing until David arrived home.

Yes, he was younger, smelled of sheep, and had no idea how to lead a nation but God still chose him and 6 could overturn that.

God has a purpose and a place for you. He has earmarked a position for you, a space only you are designed to occupy. Never sell yourself short or think you’re undeserving of God’s favor. Your past cannot stop Him, your mistakes, He will override just so you can take your place. What’s yours is yours.

Love, Lady Monica ❤️

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