A Simple Matter

I just love the Bible. It is replete with fascinating stories about God’s incredible power, great might and amazing love.
One such story is recorded in 2 Kings 3:1-18. A quick summary: Mesha, king of Moab rebelled against Joram, King of Israel. The latter sought the help of the Jehoshaphat, king of Judah and the king of Edom to go to war against Mesha of Moab.

After marching through the desert with their huge army for seven days, they ran out of water. Joram panicked, certain they, their army and their animals would die of thirst. Jehoshaphat asked for a prophet to be found so they could inquire of the Lord. Through the prompting of one of the soldiers, the kings found the prophet Elisha. This was the word of the Lord to Elisha for the kings: “… “Thus says the Lord, ‘make this valley… full of trenches.’ For thus says the Lord, ‘you will not see wind or rain, yet that valley will be filled with water, so you and your cattle and your other animals may drink. ‘This is but a simple thing in the sight of the Lord; He will also hand over the Moabites to you.” (2 KINGS 3:16‭-‬18).
Feeling trapped, thirsty and scared Joram thought the end was near. He could in no way figure out how they would get sufficient water for the armies of three kingdoms and their animals. It was impossible. In his confusion he even thought God had led them there to kill them.

But what is impossible for man is always possible for God.

Through the prophet God asked them to dig trenches to receive water. Before they could ask “how can this be?”, Elisha told them God had it all taken care of, that they would not see rain or hear wind but the trenches would be filled with more than enough water to serve their purposes.

Yours too is a simple matter before God.

Ours is not to figure out how God will do it. Ours is to trust Him and take Him at His word. One of our biggest problems is trying to understand by our human minds how God will fulfill His promises to us and as a result we often give in to fear and disbelief. To channel Elisha, your biggest worry, greatest problem, impossible situation is a simple matter before God. God will not take you through a tutorial or a step-by-step process on how He will solve your problem; but He will provide the right solution.

What challenge are you facing in your life today? Take it to the Lord in prayer one more time and allow Him to solve it His way. Just know that it is an “easy thing” in His sight!

Blessings, Lady Monica.

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