A Second Touch

One day Jesus went to Bethsaida and some people brought a blind man for him to heal. Jesus spat on the man’s eyes, touched him and asked if he could see anything.

“And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” Mark 8:24‭-‬25

This was the first time Jesus used a two-step approach to heal a man. Usually it was just one touch, one word or one move. Jesus definitely had a good reason for doing this and I know for sure that it wasn’t because He was incapable of healing with just one touch.

At times we need more than the first touch to bring us complete healing. We have become believers, yet we need a second or even a third touch to rid ourselves of certain attitudes, mindsets, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, arrongance, meanness…the list goes on.

I pray that you’ll submit yourself to another touch from the Lord to help you get to your next level of maturity. I pray that you’ll stay under His feet and in His presence long enough to receive your complete healing.

If the blind man had run off excitedly at the first sign of sight, he would have run into all kinds of trouble and hurts because he could not see properly.

Ask Jesus for a second touch; it’ll make a truckload of difference in your life and your walk.


Love, Lady Monica ❤

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